Vellant Publishing House - The Book with 186 Coauthors

Kindly inviting you to see the making of the first "crowd sourcing"project and the result on:

Western Union

National Authority for Children Rights Protection

The Best TV commercial in the "Social Campaign" category, Ad'Or Festival, Bucharest, 2006

The Best TV commercial, Ad'Or Festival, Bucharest, 2006

Short listed, Golden Drum Festival, Portoroz - Slovenia, 2006

: Darlan Moraes jr.

The Romanian Peasant Museum

“Best Collateral/ Innovative Media Category” , Ad’Or Festival, Bucharest, 2007

Short listed, AdPrint European Creative
Teams Competition, Brasov - Romania, 2007

The Romanian Peasant Museum

The Romanian Peasant Museum

Adăugaţi o imagine

The Romanian Peasant Museum ("Mucenicii" action)

"Marius Nasta" Institute (anti-smoking campaign)


Bayer Healthcare

SCA (Libresse)

SCA (Libresse)

Blue Air

Coca-Cola (Cappy Body Time)

Coca-Cola (Cappy Body Time)


JTI (Camel)

Procter&Gamble (Pantene Beauty Awards)

Peroni Nastro Azzuro


Deco Place - home & deco boutique

Prutul SA

Prutul SA


Romanian Traffic Police